Adds new subsections GS 160A-31(b1), (b2), (i), (j), and (k) authorizing annexation by petition from 75% of the households in certain specified contiguous or contiguous low-income areas, as defined. Provides a process for determining whether an area qualifies for low-income status, including an option for analysis by the Department of Revenue using income tax data in a confidential report to the city. Requires a city that receives a valid petition under the new subsections to annex the area within 60 days of finding the petition valid, and requires an effective date for the annexation within two years after adoption of the annexation ordinance, including provision of municipal services. Amends GS 160A-36 to add “distressed area” to the types of areas that may be annexed. For distressed areas that are contiguous to multiple cities, the area eligible for annexation must be within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the annexing city. Sets annexation development thresholds for “distressed areas” at 50% of total lots and tracts. Defines “distressed area,” in accordance with other parts of the bill, as an area in which 51% of the households have incomes that are 200% or less than the most recently published U.S. Census Bureau poverty thresholds. Makes conforming changes to GS 160A-48. Amends GS 143B-437.04(a) to direct the Department of Commerce to adopt guidelines for Community Development Block Grants to ensure priority consideration of water and sewer projects in annexed distressed areas that provide service to residents with family incomes 80% or less than the median. Adds a new criterion to GS 159G-23, making such projects higher priorities for state revolving loans and grants from the Wastewater Reserve or Drinking Water Reserve. Effective October 1, 2011.