Amends GS 116-37 (concerning the UNC Health Care System) to provide that the University of North Carolina Health Care System (System) is governed by the UNC Board of Governors (Board) and administered by the board of directors, in order to meet the goals of education, research, patient care, and community service (currently, the System operates as an affiliated enterprise of UNC). Directs the Board to reconstitute the board of directors for the System, effective November 1, 2012, with three members, as specified, and nine at-large members appointed by the Board, as detailed (reduces membership from up to 27 to 12 total). Makes additional clarifying changes to members’ terms, and makes conforming changes throughout to grant the Board certain authority, or, by delegation, the board of directors. Removes exemption from the State Budget Act for System trust funds. Requires the System to provide a proportionate share of indigent care, as compared with non-state owned health care systems, in each county where the System provides medical services. Directs the Board and the NC Hospital Association to develop, by July 1, 2013, methods to measure and compare the provision of indigent care services between health care systems. Requires the Board to report annually by November 30 to the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations on the System’s financial and operational affairs. States that all System nonprofit corporations must complete an IRS Form 990 each year and provide a copy to the Board.
Prohibits the System from using any available funds to expand services to additional geographic areas without specific authorization from the General Assembly. Deletes provisions governing purchasing, real property acquisition and disposal, and construction by the System. Makes conforming changes to reference the Board in GS 116-37.2 (UNC Hospitals funds), GS 143-56 (exemptions from purchasing requirements), and GS 146-22(c) (concerning acquisition of property).
Effective October 1, 2012.