Enacts new GS 14-415.27, expanding the concealed handgun permit, to authorize a person who has a valid concealed handgun permit under Article 54B of GS Chapter 14 or under GS 14-415.24 (out-of-state permits) and who is either elected or appointed to fill a public office in North Carolina, to carry an ordinary pocket knife, as defined in GS 14-269(d), and to carry a handgun, openly or concealed, anywhere in the state while the person holds that office, unless prohibited by federal law. Makes a conforming change to GS 14-415.11(c) to allow persons authorized to carry a concealed handgun by proposed GS 14-415.27 to do so in the listed areas and facilities, including state and federal offices. Makes a clarifying change to distinguish that the authorization does not extend to a person consuming alcohol or a person with alcohol or a controlled substance in the body.
Enacts new GS 14-269(a2) to provide that the prohibition against carrying a concealed deadly weapon does not apply when the weapon is a handgun and the person has an expanded concealed handgun permit under proposed GS 14-415.27.
Enacts new GS 14-269.2(g)(7) to exempt a weapon that is an ordinary pocket knife, as defined, or a handgun from the prohibition against possessing or carrying weapons on campuses or educational properties, provided the person has an expanded concealed handgun permit under proposed GS 14-415.27.
Enacts new GS 14-269.3(b)(5) to exempt a person carrying a handgun from the prohibition against carrying weapons into assemblies or establishments where alcohol is served, provided the person has an expanded concealed handgun permit under proposed GS 14-415.27.
Enacts new GS 14-269.4(6) to exempt a person possessing or carrying a handgun from the prohibition against carrying weapons on state property or in courthouses, provided the person has an expanded concealed handgun permit under proposed GS 14-415.27.
Enacts new subsections to exempt persons carrying weapons (either an ordinary pocket knife or handgun) from the prohibition against weapons in the following provisions, provided the person has an expanded concealed handgun permit under proposed GS 14-415.27: GS 14-277.2 (weapons at parades), GS 14-288.7 (transporting or possessing weapons during emergency), and GS 120-32.1 (General Assembly buildings and grounds).
Effective October 1, 2011.