Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition. Deletes proposed GS 130A-45.14 and instead enacts new GS 130A-34.2, which contains the provisions of proposed GS 130A-45.14 but expands the coverage of the statute to include district health departments and consolidated human services agencies in addition to local health departments. Removes proposed definitions from GS 130A-45.01 and places them under proposed new GS 130A-34.2. Changes the act’s effective date from October 1, 2011, to when the act becomes law and provides that the act applies to Medicaid claims arising on or after the act’s effective date. Changes the title of the act to AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE LOCAL PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENTS, DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENTS, AND CONSOLIDATED HUMAN SERVICE AGENCIES TO BILL MEDICAID THROUGH AN APPROVED MEDICAID CLEARINGHOUSE OR THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH.