Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition. Amends proposed GS 90-731(b) to delete language that recognizes that many therapies used by naturopathic doctors are not the exclusive privilege of naturopathic doctors.
Amends proposed new GS 90-732 to (1) eliminate the administration or provision of counseling services from the definition of naturopathic medicine and (2) specify that certain laboratory tests and diagnostic imaging that should be conducted and interpreted by a physician is not part of the practice of naturopathic medicine.
Amends proposed new GS 90-733 to (1) delete colon hydrotherapy, musculoskeletal manipulation, and other Board-approved therapies, modalities, procedures, and remedies for which the licensee has been trained and educated from the list of therapies, modalities, procedures, and remedies that constitute the practice of naturopathic medicine and (2) make a technical change.
Makes technical and clarifying changes to proposed GS 90-734.
Amends proposed new GS 90-735 to specify that no member may serve on the North Carolina Naturopathic Doctors Licensing Board for more than two consecutive terms.
Amends proposed GS 90-736 to eliminate the following proposed powers and duties of the North Carolina Naturopathic Doctors Licensing Board: (1) recommending and advocating for the establishment of one or more approved programs of naturopathic medicine in this state and (2) developing and implementing a plan for instituting a naturopathic doctor residency program no later than July 1, 2013. Also amends proposed GS 90-736 to add investigating persons engaging in practices which violate the provisions of Article 43 to the proposed powers and duties of the North Carolina Naturopathic Doctors Licensing Board.
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Bill S 467 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 14 2011 - View Summary
Bill S 467 (2011-2012)Summary date: Mar 30 2011 - View Summary
Adds new Article 43, North Carolina Naturopathic Doctors Licensure Act, to GS Chapter 90. Prohibits a person from practicing on or after January 1, 2012, as a naturopathic physician without a state license issued pursuant to the bill, with specified exemptions. Defines naturopathic medicine generally as a system of natural health care that employs diagnosis and treatment using natural therapies and diagnostic techniques. Sets out the techniques that may and that may not be used by naturopathic physicians. Makes violation of proposed GS 90-734 a Class 1 misdemeanor. Establishes the NC Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Board (Board), with seven members (three appointed by the Governor and two each upon recommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representative and the President Pro Tem. of the Senate, with each member having to come from specified groups (to be appointed by January 1, 2012). Charges Board with administration of the licensing program. Sets out qualifications for licensure as a naturopathic physician, fees that may be charged by the Board, and the Board’s disciplinary authority. Permits criminal record checks for licensees and persons seeking licenses. Creates an Advisory Council to assist the Board in administration of the licensing program.