Bill Summaries: H 281 ETJ RESTRICTIONS.

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  • Summary date: Jun 2 2011 - View Summary

    House committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition. Deletes amendments made to provisions in GS Chapter 160A and 163 in the previous edition, and instead establishes an eight-member House Select Committee on Extraterritorial Jurisdiction to study issues related to the exercise of extraterritorial jurisdiction by cities, and to continue to study specified matters. Sets out appointing authority and additional Committee details. Directs the Committee to submit a final report to the 2012 Regular Session of the General Assembly, and to terminate at the earlier of the report filing or when the 2012 session convenes. Makes a conforming change to the bill title.

  • Summary date: Mar 9 2011 - View Summary

    Amends GS 160A-360, which authorizes cities to exercise certain planning and regulatory powers in areas beyond the city’s territorial boundaries, to: (1) prohibit a city from exercising the powers granted by Article 19 of Chapter 160A or any local act outside its corporate limits in any county that has a zoning ordinance in effect that applies to the entire unincorporated areas of the county, other than areas that are in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a city; (2) allow a city that is currently exercising powers that violate the new provision to continue exercising them until the county adopts an ordinance exercising such powers within all the areas; and (3) authorize qualified voters residing within a city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction to be candidates for, and vote in elections for, elective offices of the city if the countywide zoning is not in effect.
    Amends GS 163-282 to provide that residents of a city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction are considered residents of the city for the purposes of determining their eligibility to vote in elections for officers of the city only.
    Amends GS 163-288.1 and GS 163-288.2 to make conforming changes.
    Applies to elections held on or after September 1, 2011.