House amendment makes the following changes to 1st edition. Amends GS 160A-75(c), governing the adoption of municipal ordinances, by deleting the provision deeming an ordinance to have been introduced on the date the subject matter is first voted on by the city council.
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Bill S 413 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 15 2011 - View Summary
Bill S 413 (2011-2012)Summary date: Mar 23 2011 - View Summary
Amends GS 153A-45 (county board of commissioners adoption of ordinances) to provide that in order to qualify for the three exceptions to the requirement that an ordinance receive the approval of all of the members of the board of commissioners in order to be adopted at the meeting at which it is first introduced, the public hearing must have been held at least seven calendar days before the vote.
Amends GS 160A-75 (city council voting) to require that in order to be adopted at the meeting at which an ordinance is first introduced, the ordinance must receive the approval of all of the members of the governing board, not including the mayor unless the mayor has the right to vote on all questions before the council. Includes the same provisions concerning the three exceptions as amended GS 153A-45. Provides that if the ordinance is approved by a majority of those voting by not all board members, or if the ordinance is not voted on at that meeting, it must be considered at the next regular board meeting; the ordinance is adopted if at that time, or at any time within 100 days of its introduction, it receives a majority of the votes cast.
Effective with respect to votes on or after January 1, 2012.