AN ACT TO LIMIT AN INDIVIDUAL FROM RUNNING ON THE SAME GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT FOR MORE THAN ONE OFFICE, EXCEPT TO FILL A VACANCY FOR THE REMAINDER OF AN UNEXPIRED TERM. Summarized in Daily Bulletin 3/16/11 and 6/7/11. Enacted June 23, 2011. Effective with respect to elections occurring on or after January 1, 2012.
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Bill S 356 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 30 2011 - View Summary
Bill S 356 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 7 2011 - View Summary
Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition. Deletes amendment to GS 163-122 and instead enacts new GS 163-124, stating that no individual is eligible to have that individual’s name on the general election ballot for two separate offices, unless one of the offices is for the remainder of the unexpired term for an office that requires an election to fill the unexpired portion. Specifies that the statute applies to any individual nominated under Article 9, or filing a petition under Article 11, of GS Chapter 163. Makes conforming changes to the bill title. Effective with respect to elections occurring on or after January 1, 2012.
Bill S 356 (2011-2012)Summary date: Mar 16 2011 - View Summary
Identical to H 363, filed 3/15/11.
Enacts new subsection (a1) to GS 163-122, which covers procedures for nominating unaffiliated candidates by petition, to prohibit the nominee of a party for one office from filing a petition as an unaffiliated candidate for another office in the same general election. Lists the following exceptions to the prohibition: (1) when the other office is for the remainder of an unexpired term, and the party nomination is made by the appropriate executive committee or (2) when the petition is filed more than 120 days before the general election and the person submitting the petition resigns as party nominee prior to the 120th day before the general election. Effective with respect to elections occurring on or after January 1, 2012.