Identical to H 1104, filed 5/15/14.
Directs the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services (Committee) to create a subcommittee to study (1) oversight of the State’s social services system, (2) potential conflicts of interest within the system, and (3) how those matters may be addressed. Directs the Chair of the Committee to appoint members to the subcommittee, allowing members of the public to be appointed in addition to any members of the General Assembly.
Lists seven issues to be examined by the subcommittee, including whether the state’s current system of oversight regarding county departments of social services should be revised, and whether a director or an employee of a county department of social services should be allowed to serve as a foster parent.
Requires the subcommittee to submit a final report to the Committee no later than December 1, 2014. Requires the Committee to submit a final report with the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House prior to the convening of the 2015 General Assembly.
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Bill S 820 (2013-2014)Summary date: May 21 2014 - View Summary