Amends GS Chapter 116E, Educational Longitudinal Data System (ELDS), as the title indicates. Amends GS 116E-1(7) to clarify that the term workforce data refers to data relating to employment status, wage information, geographic location of employment, and employer information for individuals.Also amends GS 116E-2(a) to clarify that North Carolina's ELDS is a statewide data system that contains individual student data as well.Amends the purpose of ELDSto includefacilitating and enabling the exchange of student data and workforce data among state agencies and institutions.
Amends GS 116E-3, adding new subsection (f) which locates the North Carolina Longitudinal Data System Board (Board) administratively within the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), but directs the Board to exercise its powers and duties independently of the DPI and the State Board of Education (SBE). Authorizes the Board to employ professional and clerical staff, including an executive director. Also amends GS 116E-5 to provide that the North Carolina Longitudinal Data System (the System) is an information technology asset of the state and although located administratively within DPI, it is to be operated independently of DPI and the SBE. Removes provision designating the System as an authorized representative of DPI, the University of North Carolina (UNC), and the North Carolina System of Community Colleges (NCSCC) for the purposes of accessing and compiling student record data for research purposes. Instead makes the Board the authorized representative of DPI, UNC, and the NCSCC. Provides that the Board may receive funding from specified sources that were previously identified as funding sources for the System.
Makes additional conforming, and technicalchanges including amending the Board's powers.
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Bill S 806 (2013-2014)Summary date: May 19 2014 - View Summary