Amends GS 93B-15.1 to require an occupational licensing board to notify an applicant, within 30 days following application, when the applicant's military training or experience does not satisfy requirements for licensure, certification, or registration and specify the criteria or requirement that was not met as well as the basis for the determination. Requires each occupational licensing board to publish criteria for licensure, registration, or certification, along with a description of the criteria that are satifised by military training or experience and documentaton needed to obtain the credit or meet the requirement. Requires that the information be published on the board's website and the NC Division of Veterans Affairs website. Effective January 1, 2015.
Requires each occupational licensing board to contact training offices at military installations or federal offices providing information on military occupational specialties and training to (1) acquire necessary information for understanding military training and job requirements and (2) assist in determining applicability of military training and experience. Requires a report by each licensing board by September 1, 2014, to the cochairs of the Legislative Research Commission Study Committee on Civilian Credit for Military Training.
Requires the UNC Board of Governors and the State Board of Community Collegs to develop a plan for implementing a uniform system of granting course credit to enrolled students based on military training or experience. Specifies issues to be addressed by the plan. Requires a report by September 1, 2014, to several specified legislative committees. Requries that the plan be submitted by January 1, 2015, to specified legislative committees.
Requires the State Board of Community Colleges to consult with the NC National Guard Education and Employment Center, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Labor, and other approriate state and federal agencies to complete five specified tasks including identifying job development programs requring the same Military Occupation Skills or sharing the same aptitude skills requried to complete the program and detemine the ability of state community collegs or other training centers to conduct nondegree programs conducted in other states that have a high employment demand in North Carolina. Requires a report to specified legislative committees by October 1, 2014.
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Bill H 1047 (2013-2014)Summary date: May 14 2014 - View Summary