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  • Summary date: Mar 6 2025 - View Summary

    Amends GS 115C-407 (prohibiting tobacco use in school buildings, grounds, and at school sponsored events) as follows. Now also prohibits the use of hemp products by any person in school buildings, in school facilities, on school campuses, and in or on any other school property owned or operated by the school. Defines hemp products to mean products derived from hemp, as defined in the State controlled substances act, and their synthetic counterparts designed, manufactured, or sold to be inhaled or otherwise consumed, including the substances commonly known as "delta-8," "delta-9," and "CBD." Defines tobacco products to include vapor products. Changes the implementing entity responsible for the adoption of a written policy prohibiting tobacco use and hemp products to governing bodies of public school entities instead of local boards of education (was, local boards of education are responsible for the adoption, implementation, and enforcement of the tobacco policy). Makes conforming changes, including to the statute's title. Removes outdated language.

    Requires, in GS 115C-562.5, nonpublic schools accepting eligible students receiving scholarship grants under Part 2A of Article 39 of GS Chapter 115C to adopt the policy described above. 

    Applies beginning with the 2025-26 school year.