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  • Summary date: Feb 21 2025 - View Summary

    Part I.

    Amends Article 1, General Provisions for State Administration, of GS Chapter 115D, as follows.

    Organizes the Article into Parts. Part 1, Establishment and Administration of the North Carolina Community Colleges System, consists of GS 115D-1 through GS 115D-5.5. Part 2, Administration of Local Community Colleges by State Board of Community Colleges, consists of GS 115D-6 through GS 116D-9.35. Part 3, Community College Programs, consists of GS 115D-10.5 through GS 115D-10.50. Part 4, Students, consists of GS 115D-10.65 through GS 115D-10.76. Recodifies GS 115D-41 (Restrictions on contracts with local school administrative units; use of community college facilities by public school students pursuant to cooperative programs) as GS 115D-38.5; and GS 115D-43 (concerning funding for an intercollegiate athletics program) as 115D-38.10. Repeals GS 115D-44 (requiring the establishment of training programs for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities) and instead enacts new GS 115D-10.21.

    Makes the following changes to Part 1 of the Article. Deletes the contents of GS 115D-1.3 (accreditation of secondary schools located in North Carolina shall not be a factor in admissions, loans, scholarships, or other educational policies) and instead enacts those provisions in new GS 115D-10.65. Deletes the contents of GS 115D-1.4 (college transfer program approval; standards for programs; annual reporting requirements) and instead enacts those same provisions in GS 115D-10.10; makes technical changes. Deletes the contents of GS 115D-5 (Administration of institutions by State Board of Community Colleges; personnel exempt from North Carolina Human Resources Act; extension courses; tuition waiver; in-plant training; contracting, etc., for establishment and operation of extension units of the community college system; use of existing public school facilities) and enacts subsection (a) into new GS 115D-6.1; subsection (a1) is now in new GS 115D-9.5 (bookstore sales); subsection (a2) is now new GS 115D-9.10 (exchange of information with UNC and North Carolina public schools); (a3) is now new GS 115D-10.70 (driving eligibility certificates); subsections (b), (b1) and (b2) are now found in new GS 115D-39.2 (pro rata tuition and uniform registration fees) and GS 115D-39.5 (tuition waivers); subsections (c), (c1), and (c2) are found in new GS 115D-10.30 (correction education programs); subsection (f) is in new GS 115D-10.5 (program funding) which also includes provisions governing recreation extension courses and real estate continuing education courses from subsections (g) and (h); subsection (f1) is now found in GS 115D-6.2; subsection (j) is now new GS 115D-5.5 (Board Reserve Fund); subsection (l) is now in new GS 115D-9.15 (lease purchase and installment purchase contracts); subsection (m) and (n) are in new GS 115D-9.20 (compliance review and requested information); subsection (o) is in new GS 115D-9.25 (multicampus centers); subsection (p) is in new GS 115D-10.35 (teacher residency licensure courses); subsection (r) is found in new GS 115D-10.40 (American Sign Language courses); subsection (s) is in new GS 115D-10.45 (adult high school equivalency diploma test); subsection (t) is in new GS 115D-30.20 (Gateway to College Program); subsection (u) is in new GS 115D-10.75; subsection (v) is in new GS 115D-21.10 (curriculum courses taught throughout year), under Article 2; subsection (w) is in new GS 115D-9.30 (service areas) and now requires that that the State Board report to the specified NCGA committee within 60 days of revisions being made; subsection (x) is in new GS 115D-30.5 (evaluation of Career and College Promise Program); subsection (y) is in new GS 115D-10.76; subsection (z) is in new GS 115D-9.35 (athletic teams).

    The contents of GS 115D-5.1 are removed and now found in new GS 115D-10.15 (workforce development programs), and GS 115D-10.17 (Customized Training Program). The contents of GS 115D-5.1A are removed and now found in new GS 115D-10.19 (short-term workforce development grant program). The contents of GS 115D-5.2 is removed and now found in new GS 115D-10.25 (commercial fishing and aquaculture classes).

    Further amends GS 115D-6.2 by moving its definitions and provisions on accreditation into new GS 115D-21.2.

    Repeals GS Chapter 115D, Article 6A and instead enacts GS 115D-10.50 which creates a Motorcycle Safety Instruction Program for the purpose of establishing statewide motorcycle safety instruction to be delivered through the Community Colleges System Office.

    Amends GS 115D-20(4) by removing the provisions that specified that local community colleges are permitted to offer the listed types of programs (including programs with public schools and nonpublic schools related to academic transition pathways, college transfer pathways, as well as cooperative innovative high school programs) and instead places them in new GS 115D-30.1 under Article 2B (High School Programs) as well as new GS 115D-30.10 and GS 115D-30.15.

    Enacts new GS 115D-30.25 establishing the NC Career Coach Program to place college career coaches in high school to assist students with determining career goals and identifying community college programs that would enable them to achieve their goals. Sets out requirements for the program and for funding of the program.

    Codifies GS 115D-39, GS 115D-39.1, GS 115D-40.1, and GS 115D-40.5 into Part 2 of Article 3 of GS Chapter 115D titled "Tuition and Fees." Codifies the remaining sections of Article 3 of GS Chapter 115D into Part 1 of Article 3 of GS Chapter 115D, titled "Funding of Community Colleges".

    Makes additional technical and organizational changes.

    Part II.

    Makes conforming changes to GS 20-11 and GS 20-13.2 (concerning driving eligibility certificates); GS 90-631 (concerning accreditation of community colleges operating a massage and bodywork therapy program); GS 93A-4, GS 93A-38.5, GS 93E-1-7 and GS 93E-1-8 (real estate education); GS 95-25.5 (fire department training); GS 115C-84.3; GS 115C-238.55 (cooperative innovative high schools); GS 115D-2; GS 115D-39 tuition waivers); GS 115D-41; GS 116-201 (accrediting agency); GS 116-280 (accrediting agency) and makes a technical change; GS 126-5 (salaries); and SL 2023-134, Section 6.9(b) (programs for individuals with IDD).