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  • Summary date: Feb 21 2025 - View Summary

    Amends SL 1963-707, as amended, as follows. Removes the name of the consolidated board of education which was the Laurinburg Scotland County Board of Education. Provides that the public school system of Scotland County is the Scotland County School System and the system’s board of education’s name is the Scotland County Board of Education (Board). Now requires the Board to file a recommended supplemental tax budget, which when added to the regular budget, would provide the amount of per student funding determined by the Board to be requisite to provide an appropriate education to all students in Scotland County (currently, Board submits a supplemental tax budget when added to the regular budget, provides, at a minimum, current expense expenditures per student from local funds which are no less than the average current expense expenditures per student from local funds throughout the State as determined by the latest certification of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction). Permits the Scotland County Board of Commissioners (Commissioners) to evaluate the recommended supplemental tax budget for approval in an amount the Commissioners deem appropriate. (Currently required to approve both regular and supplemental budgets, with discretion to approve more than the minimum amount provided for). Removes provisions setting formula for the base amount of educational funding as well as provisions to allow the Board and the Commissioners to deviate from that formula in extraordinary economic circumstances upon approval of both entities. 

    Makes conforming changes to account for updated name.  Makes organizational changes. Makes technical change to update reference to GS Chapter115C (governing public secondary schools). Removes outdated language.

    Repeals SL 2002-66 (concerning current expense expenditures from local funds for Scotland County schools) and Section 63 of SL 2004-203 (pertaining to the base amount of funding for current expense expenditures from local funds).