Contains whereas clauses.
Appropriates $4 million from the General Fund to the UNC BOG in recurring funds for the 2024-2025 fiscal for the North Carolina New Teacher Support Program (NC NTSP) to enable additional qualifying new graduates of alternative licensure programs or educator preparation programs (EPPs) at UNC constituent institutions who are teaching in North Carolina public schools to participate in NC NTSP without cost to local school administrative units. Gives first priority for receipt of these funds to local school administrative units located in a county that is designated as a development tier one area in the annual ranking performed by the Department of Commerce. Lists four additional prongs of consideration for NC NTSP. Specifies that the local school administrative units for Anson County Schools, Greene County Schools, Guilford County Schools, Onslow County Schools, Public School of Robeson County, Scotland County schools, Wilkes County Schools, and Washington County Schools are eligible to receive funds. Directs that the funds appropriated above will be used in programs designed to address the specific and various needs of alternative licensure and traditional pathway EPP graduates who will begin their teaching careers in North Carolina public schools through a blended model of support, including ongoing professional development, participating in a beginning teacher summer hosted by NC NTSP, and an assigned instructional coach. Effective July 1, 2024.
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Bill H 1040 (2023-2024)Summary date: May 2 2024 - View Summary