Adds new GS 126-8.7, paid leave for pregnancy loss, requiring the State Human Resources Commission (Commission) to adopt rules and policies to grant a permanent, probationary, or time-limited full-time State employee with paid leave for pregnancy loss, with required elements, including that the leave be at least 56 hours. Defines pregnancy loss to mean a miscarriage, an unsuccessful round of intrauterine insemination or of an assisted reproductive technology procedure, a failed adoption arrangement, a failed surrogacy arrangement, or a diagnosis or event that impacts pregnancy or fertility. Requires the Commission to adopt rules and policies to provide that a permanent, probationary, or time-limited part-time State employee be granted a prorated amount of paid leave for pregnancy loss on an equitable basis. Provides that the leave is available without exhaustion of an employee’s sick or vacation leave and awarded in addition to shared leave, has no cash value upon termination from employment, and may not be used for calculating an employee’s retirement benefits. Applies leave provisions to employees of State agencies, departments, and institutions, including The University of North Carolina; to public school employees; and to community college employees. Requires each governing board to adopt rules and policies regarding this leave that are substantially equivalent to the Commission’s rules required by the act. Effective July 1, 2024, and applies to requests for pregnancy loss occurring on or after that date.
Makes conforming changes to GS 126-5, effective July 1, 2024.
Appropriates $1.8 million from the General Fund to the Reserve for Compensation Increases for the 2024-2025 fiscal year to fund paid leave for pregnancy loss as enacted by this act.
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Bill S 839 (2023-2024)Summary date: May 6 2024 - View Summary