House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes.
Divides the provision of new GS 143-166.4 into two new statutes, GS 143-166.4, applicable to State law enforcement officers, and new GS 143-166.5, applicable to local law enforcement officers, and makes the following changes to those provisions.
For State law enforcement officers, amends the amount of the separation allowance so that it is equal to 0.85% of the annual equivalent of the base rate of compensation at the time the officer attained 30 years of service times 30 (was, equal to 0.85% of the annual equivalent of the base rate of compensation at 30 years of creditable service). Defines creditable service to mean the service for which credit is allowed under the retirement system of which the officer is a member, provided that at least 50% of the service is as a law enforcement officer or as a probation/parole officer (probation/parole officer was not previously included). Excludes the first day of reemployment by any State department, agency, or institution of an officer returning to State employment in a position exempt from the North Carolina Human Resources Act in any agency other than the agency from which that officer retired from the events that trigger stoppage of the payments. Allows the Director of the Budget to authorize from time to time the transfer of funds within the budgets of each State department, agency, or institution necessary to carry out the purposes of this Article; requires the funds to be taken from those appropriated to the department, agency, or institution for salaries and related fringe benefits. Makes conforming changes throughout the statute to make provisions applicable at a state, instead of local, level. Makes additional technical changes.
Amends new GS 143-166.5, applicable to local law enforcement officers, as follows. Amends the amount of the separation allowance so that it is equal to 0.85% of the annual equivalent of the base rate of compensation at the time the officer attained 30 years of service times 30 (was, equal to 0.85% of the annual equivalent of the base rate of compensation at 30 years of creditable service). Makes additional technical changes.
Amends the act's titles.
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Bill H 810 (2023-2024)Summary date: May 2 2023 - View Summary
Bill H 810 (2023-2024)Summary date: Apr 20 2023 - View Summary
Enacts new GS 143-166.4, providing as follows. Allows a sworn law enforcement officer employed by a State department, agency, or institution to elect to receive, beginning in the month in which the officer retires, either the special separation allowance under existing GS 143-166.41, or an annual separation allowance equal to 0.85% of the annual equivalent of the base rate of compensation at 30 years of creditable service. Also allows a sworn law enforcement officer employed by a local government employer to elect to receive, beginning in the month in which the officer retires, either the special separation allowance under existing GS 143-166.42, or an annual separation allowance equal to 0.85% of the annual equivalent of the base rate of compensation most recently applicable to the officer for each year of creditable service. To qualify, requires the officers to have completed: (1) at least 30 but no more than 35 years of creditable service; (2) at least five years of continuous service (as defined) as a law enforcement officer immediately preceding a service retirement. Sets out conditions under which the payments will cease. Provides for conditions under which reemployment by a local government employer will not stop these payments. Requires the governing body of each local employer to determine eligibility of employees for these benefits and requires payments to be made from available funds. Effective July 1, 2023.