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  • Summary date: Apr 19 2023 - View Summary

    Amends GS 163-166.4 to create multiple buffer zones around voting places during elections; previously the law required only one 50 ft buffer zone. Amends subsection (a) (Buffer Zones) to create a 50 ft buffer zone from the entrance to the voting place where no political advertising may be placed, and another 200 ft buffer zone where no person or group may hinder access, harass others, or otherwise engage in election-related activity. Makes corresponding changes throughout the statute. 

    Creates new subsection (b1) in GS 138A-22 (Statement of economic interest; filing required), allowing persons appointed to fill an elected office vacancy to file the statement of economic interest required by the statute within 30 days after their appointment. Amends subsection (f) to require a candidate for office to file the statement of economic interest no earlier than the first business day and January and no later than 45 days before the primary election. Amends subsection (h) to require the State Ethics Commission to publish the deadline for filing statements of economic interest, and for the State Board of Elections to notify candidates of the deadline for filing statements in the year candidates file for office. 

    Requires the State Board of Elections to study and report on the feasibility of adding photographs of registered voters to all electronic poll books, and outlines considerations for the study. The report is due to the General Assembly, House Elections and Campaign Finance Committee and Senate Redistricting and Elections Committee on or before March 1, 2024.