Enacts new GS 96-45 (Short-time compensation), creating a program that allows an employer to implement a plan for sharing remaining work after an affected group of employees’ hours are reduced, while the employees receive short-time compensation benefits under the State’s unemployment program. The employer must submit a proposed short-time compensation plan containing the specified requirements to the Department of Commerce’s Division of Employment Security for approval prior to implementation. The new section establishes eligibility requirements for employees and weekly benefit amounts along with a total benefit maximum. Provides that an individual is eligible to receive short-time compensation benefits for any week only if: (1) the individual is employed as a member of an affected unit in an approved plan that was approved before the week and is in effect for the week, (2) the individual is able to work and is available for additional hours of work or for full-time work with the short-time employer, and (2) the normal weekly hours of work of the individual are reduced by at least 10% but not by more than 40%, with a corresponding reduction in wages. Benefits paid under the short-time compensation program count towards an employee’s maximum yearly benefit under the unemployment benefit program. Establishes that seasonal and temporary employees are not eligible for participation in the short-time program and defines seasonal employment, temporary employment, and intermittent employment for purposes of the section.
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Bill S 536 (2023-2024)Summary date: Apr 4 2023 - View Summary