House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes. Amends proposed changes to GS 163-165.5 (specifying contents of official ballots) to require that party designations in partisan ballot votes be printed in italics (was, bold) and in no less than 10-point (was, no less than 12-point) font. Amends GS 163-278.9 (pertaining to statements filed by political campaigns) and GS 163-278.9A (pertaining to statements filed by referendum committee) to require the State Board of Elections (State Board) to increase the dollar amount of the reporting threshold effective each election cycle from January 1 of an odd-numbered year through December 31 of the next even-numbered year based on the Consumer Price Index (was, the dollar amount of the reporting threshold must be increased based on the Consumer Price Index, effective for each odd-numbered calendar year beginning in 2025, remaining in effect for two calendar years). Requires the revised threshold to be set by the State Board in October of the even-numbered year. Makes a technical changes in GS 163-278.9. Adds to GS 163-278.9A that the 48-hour reporting requirements do not apply to any candidate campaign committee in a primary election where the candidate is unopposed.
Prohibits the State Board from adjusting the thresholds under GS 163-278.9 and GS 163-278.9A until October 2024, effective for the election cycle beginning January 1, 2025.
Amends the act's effective date so that changes to GS 163-165.5 apply to elections held on or after January 1, 2024 (was, effective when the act becomes law and applies to elections held on or after that date). Makes the waiver of reporting requirements under GS 163-278.9 effective when it becomes law, applicable to elections held on or after that date (was, effective for candidates unopposed in primary elections held on or after January 1, 2023).
Amends the act's long title.
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Bill H 475 (2023-2024)Summary date: May 16 2023 - View Summary
Bill H 475 (2023-2024)Summary date: Mar 23 2023 - View Summary
Amends GS 163-165.5 (specifying contents of official ballots) to require that party designations in partisan ballot votes be printed in bold and in no less than 12-point font. Amends GS 163-278.9 (pertaining to statements filed by political campaigns) and GS 163-278.9A (pertaining to statements filed by referendum committee) to increase the contribution dollar limit triggering the 48-hour notification requirement to the State Board of Elections from $1,000 to $2,000 and providing for odd-year biennial increases in that dollar limit based on inflation starting in 2025. Sets forth basis for calculating dollar increase and notification requirements. Waives the reporting requirement for unopposed candidates in primary elections, beginning in elections held on or after January 1, 2023. The remainder of the act applies to elections held on or after the act becomes law.