Bill Summaries: S 366 BAN DELTA-8 & DELTA-9 ON SCHOOL GROUNDS.

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  • Summary date: Mar 23 2023 - View Summary

    Amends GS 115C-407 (prohibiting tobacco use in school buildings, grounds, and at school sponsored events) as follows. Changes the implementing entity responsible for the adoption of a written policy prohibiting tobacco use to governing bodies of public school entities from local boards of education. (Currently, local boards of education are responsible for the adoption, implementation, and enforcement of the tobacco policy.) Makes conforming changes. Removes outdated language.

    Enacts new GS 115C-407.1 (requiring a policy prohibiting use of certain hemp products in school buildings, grounds, and at school-sponsored events) as follows.  Defines hemp products to mean products derived from hemp, as defined in the State controlled substances act, and their synthetic counterparts designed, manufactured, or sold to be inhaled or otherwise consumed, including the substances commonly known as  "delta-8," "delta-9," and "CBD." Requires governing bodies of public school units to adopt a written policy prohibiting at all times the use of any hemp product by any person in school buildings, in school facilities, on school campuses, and in or on any other school property owned or operated by the public school unit. Further specifies that the policy must further prohibit the use of all tobacco products by persons attending a school-sponsored event at a location not listed in this subsection when in the presence of students or school personnel or in an area where smoking is otherwise prohibited by law. Sets forth the following minimum required elements of the policy: (1) adequate notice to students, parents, the public, and school personnel of the policy; (2) posting of signs prohibiting at all times the use of hemp products by any person in and on school property; and (3) requirements that school personnel enforce the policy. Allows governing bodies of public school units to permit hemp products to be included in instructional or research activities in public school buildings if the activity is conducted or supervised by the faculty member overseeing the instruction or research and the activity does not include smoking, chewing, or otherwise ingesting the hemp product. Clarifies that the governing body of a public school unit is not prohibited by the act or State law on smoking in public places (GS 143-595 through GS 143-601) from adopting and enforcing a more restrictive policy on the use of hemp products in school buildings, in school facilities, on school campuses, or at school-related or school-sponsored events, and in or on other school property.

    Applies beginning with the 2023-24 school year.