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  • Summary date: Mar 6 2023 - View Summary

    Part I amends the Charter of the Town of Mooresville (Town), SL 1975-239, as amended, to require municipal elections to be held in even-numbered years rather than odd-numbered years. Provides for election of a mayor to a two-year term beginning in 2024. Details election of commissioners to staggered four-year terms, with commissioners from two identified wards and one at-large commissioner elected in 2024 and 2026, as specified. Prohibits holding an election until 2024. Extends the terms of commissioners expiring in 2023 and 2025 by one year, and extends the term of the mayor expiring in 2023 by one year. 

    Part II extends by one year the terms of the Board of Graded School Trustees of Mooresville members serving on the date the act becomes law and set to expire in 2023 and 2025. Requires members to be elected at the same time and in the same manner as other Town officers, subject to state election laws.