House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes.
Now provides for the election of the five-member Thomasville City Board of Education (Board; was named the Thomasville City Schools Board of Education) on a nonpartisan basis for staggered four-year terms, beginning in 2023. Changes the method of election, now requiring using the nonpartisan plurality method under GS 163-292, with elections held pursuant to GS 163-279 and candidates filing pursuant to GS 163-294.2 (previously, required use of the nonpartisan and election method under GS 163-294, with primaries held at the time of county partisan primaries under GS 163-1, and filing for candidacy pursuant to GS 163-106.2). Deletes the limitation on Board members serving no more than two consecutive full terms without an intervening period of at least four years.
Adds further guidance for the staggering of initial members' terms elected in 2023, providing for the three candidates receiving the highest number of votes to be elected for four-year terms, and the two candidates receiving the next highest number of votes to be elected for two-year terms. Adds that in 2025 and quadrennially thereafter, two members are to be elected to four-year terms, and in 2027 and quadrennially thereafter, three members are to be elected to four-year terms.
Adds to the repealed session laws, Section 8, SL 1901-262. Eliminates the repeal of any other conflicting law not identified in the act.
Changes the act's titles.
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Bill H 1169 (2021-2022)Summary date: Jun 22 2022 - View Summary
Bill H 1169 (2021-2022)Summary date: Jun 13 2022 - View Summary
Provides for the election of the five-member Thomasville City Schools Board of Education (Board) on a nonpartisan basis for staggered four-year terms, beginning in 2023. Requires use of the nonpartisan and election method under GS 163-294. Provides for filing for candidacy pursuant to GS 163-106.2. Requires conducting the election pursuant to state election laws under GS Chapter 163, except as described. Directs that primaries be held at the time of county partisan primaries under GS 163-1 and the election at the general election in odd-numbered years. Establishes voter eligibility to be any voter residing in the Thomasville City Schools Administrative Unit. Sets terms to begin at the first regular meeting in December following the election. Requires filling vacancies pursuant to GS 115C-37(f). Limits Board eligibility to two consecutive full terms, which excludes vacancy appointments, unless four years have elapsed since the previous term.
Deems terms of serving members to expire upon the qualification of members elected to the Board in 2023. Provides for staggered terms of initial members elected in 2023.
Repeals the following: SL 1965-88 (providing for appointment of the Thomasville School Board by the city council for staggered two-year terms); Section 504, Article V, SL 1981-211 (Charter of the City of Thomasville, providing for Board election by the city council pursuant to SL 1965-88); and any other conflicting law.
Applies to elections conducted on or after the date the act becomes law.