Requires the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to establish a High-Impact Tutoring Grant Program (Program) to enable public schools to provide tutors to students to address learning loss and unfinished learning resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Requires the Program to begin in the 2022-23 school year and conclude at the end of the 2024-25 school year.
Requires DPI to develop an application process for the Program and sets out 12 items that must be provided by applicants, including the methods that will be used to determine which students will participate in the tutoring program, the methods to be used for measuring student academic progress and other tutoring program outcomes, whether the public school unit will create its own tutoring program or partner with existing tutoring providers, the methods to be used for recruiting and supporting tutors, and a schedule showing how the tutoring session will be completed during existing class time. Requires the tutoring plan to explain how the school will accomplish, or why it will not accomplish, 11 specified objectives, including providing tutoring a minimum of three times each week with at least 30 to 50 minutes of instruction per tutoring session, emphasizing student attendance and educator support, using a high-quality curriculum that is aligned with academic standards and practices, and providing data-driven tutoring with interim assessments to monitor student progress. Prioritizes awarding grants to applicants that demonstrate at least one of: a need for financial support to aid students in addressing learning loss and unfinished learning resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic; enrollment of a high percentage of low-income or underserved students; or the unit has one or more schools located in a rural area that could not otherwise afford to have a tutoring program.
Allows DPI for 2022-23 and 2023-24 to grant awards of the lesser of up to $450,000 or half the estimated cost of the tutoring program, per public school unit. Increases that amount for 2024-25 to the lesser of $900,000 or the full cost of the tutoring program. Sets out five allowable uses of the funds.
Specifies that participating schools may use up to 36 hours of high-impact tutoring time toward the instructional hours required for the school calendar.
Requires participating schools to give information to tutors about potential pathways into the teaching profession, including materials that are to be created by DPI.
Requires an annual report, beginning in 2023, for every year that funds are made available for the Program, to the specified NCGA committee on 10 specified areas of information.
Appropriates $23 million for 2022-23 and 2023-24 and $45 million for 2024-25 from the General Fund to DPI for access to the Program. Requires the Director of the Budget to include the appropriated amount when developing the base budget.
Effective July 1, 2022.
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Bill S 867 (2021-2022)Summary date: May 27 2022 - View Summary