House committee substitute to the 2nd edition makes the following changes.
Revises and adds to the proposed changes to GS 7A-760, providing for the authority of the Chief Administrative Law Judge to take the following actions related to Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) employees, now subject to the State Budget Act, the Human Resources Act, and the limitations of appropriations to OAH and GS 7A-751 (relating to the Chief's powers and duties): establish or abolish subordinate positions (previously did not provide authority to abolish positions); make appointments; remove appointees; transfer employees between subordinate positions (previously did not provide authority to transfer employees); and change the duties, titles, and compensation of existing subordinate positions (previously only provided for setting salaries within the Budget Act and Human Resources Act). Eliminates the legislative history of the statute from the lead-in language of the proposed changes.
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Bill H 992 (2021-2022)Summary date: Jun 8 2022 - View Summary
Bill H 992 (2021-2022)Summary date: Jun 1 2022 - View Summary
House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes. Updates GS 7A-760 to reflect changes already made by SL 2021-180 and makes clarifying organizational changes.
Bill H 992 (2021-2022)Summary date: May 18 2022 - View Summary
Amends GS 7A-760 to authorize the Chief Administrative Law Judge to establish subordinate positions within the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH), make appointments, remove appointees, and set salaries of such positions within the bounds of legislative appropriations and state law. Eliminates the existing charge requiring the NCGA to establish the number of OAH employees.