Includes whereas clauses.
Enacts new Part 5C to Article 3 of GS Chapter 143B, creating the Youth Mentoring Grant Program (program) within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). States the program's purpose and sets forth defined terms. Establishes the seven-member Youth Mentoring Services Council (Council) to administer the program, appointed by the DHHS Secretary. Provides criteria for the required members and allows for additional members at the Secretary's discretion. Directs the Council to develop an application process and guidelines for grants under the program, and disseminate an application form to be used by applicants. Requires grants to be awarded to eligible applicants to the extent funds are made available. Gives the Council discretion as to the number of grants to award and the amount of each grant within available funds.
Restricts grants to nonprofit organizations that provide mentoring services to youth (defined as ages 5-17) in high-risk situations, defined as including various situations such as poverty or low-wealth, residence in a substance abuse disorder household, trauma from child abuse, and trauma from systemic racism. Lists eight abilities the applicant must demonstrate to be eligible, including effective screening of adult volunteers to serve as mentors, training and supporting mentors, and carefully matching mentors with youth in high-risk situations. Requires applicants to certify they will match grant funds at a ratio of $1 of non-State funds to every $5 in grant funds received. Directs the Council to provide evaluation and reporting requirements to grant recipients with each award. Directs the Council to annually report to the specified NCGA committee. Specifies required content of the reports.
Appropriates $1.5 million from the General Fund to DHHS, Division of Social Services, for each year of the 2021-23 biennium for the award of grants pursuant to the act. Requires priority to be given to services that are directed toward mitigating the effects of and furthering the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Effective July 1, 2021.
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Bill H 568 (2021-2022)Summary date: Apr 14 2021 - View Summary