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  • Summary date: Apr 5 2021 - View Summary

    Includes whereas clauses. Titles the act as the "End Youth Nicotine Dependence Act" or the "END Act.". Enacts new GS 14-313.5 establishing the Tobacco Use Prevention Fund (Fund) in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Division of Public Health, Chronic Disease and Injury Section (Section), with the purpose of preventing the use of new and emerging tobacco products. Allows the Fund to be used to: (1) fund local health departments through a regional infrastructure to provide community-based education and training of youth leaders, schools, and local agencies regarding Centers for Disease Control and Prevention evidence-based tobacco use prevention and cessation interventions, including those addressing e-cigarettes; (2) for evidence-based media and education campaigns on the health risks of tobacco use, including e-cigarettes; (3) to increase military readiness of active-duty military in North Carolina through tobacco use prevention and cessation policy, systems, and environmental change; (4) for grants to community colleges to support a healthy, tobacco-free campus; (5) to track tobacco use and exposure among young people and populations most at risk for tobacco use; (6) to provide technical assistance and oversight of regional tobacco use prevention programs; and (7) to conduct an independent evaluation of the reach and effectiveness of the State's tobacco use prevention programs. Allows DHHS to use a specified amount for administrative purposes. Requires DHHS to report annually to the specified NCGA committee and division on expenditures made from the Fund, including specified information. 

    Amends GS 143C-9-3 to appropriate $17 million from the Settlement Reserve Fund to the Fund.

    Effective July 1, 2021.