House committee substitute to the 2nd edition makes the following changes.
Makes technical changes to the lead-in language for the proposed revisions of the elections provisions governing the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education (Board) set forth in SL 1961-112, as amended.
Makes technical changes to the lead-in language to the proposed changes to Section 7 of SL 1975-717, as amended, and replaces the substantive changes to the act with the following. Provides for the nine-member Wake County Board of Education (Board) to be elected from nine single-member districts by the nonpartisan plurality method, now explicitly requiring election to staggered terms. Eliminates voter registration requirements for filing of notices of candidacy for specific districts and the specified time period provided for filing such notices. Eliminates requirements set forth for 2016 and 2018 elections. Requires the 2022 election to be held to coincide with the general election for county officers in even-numbered years for the election of all nine Board members. Requires the Wake County Board of Elections to certify the total vote count in each of the districts in order to determine member terms, with the members in the four districts receiving the four highest total vote counts to serve three-year terms and the members from the remaining five districts to serve a one-year term. Adds a new requirement for the Board to revise the electoral district boundaries established in 2011 as needed to correct for population imbalances following the return of the 2020 census. Requires the revised districts to be used for elections beginning in 2022. Requires the Wake County Board of Elections to make subsequent revisions to the district boundaries pursuant to specified state law.
Effective December 4, 2023, further amends Section 7 of SL 1975-717, as amended by the act, to provide for Board members to serve four-year terms, with the election to be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November in each odd-numbered year as terms expire.
Provides that the above provisions do not affect the terms of current Board members elected in 2020, or persons appointed to fill their vacancies.
Makes technical changes. Changes the act's long title.
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Bill H 353 (2021-2022)Summary date: Aug 18 2021 - View Summary
Bill H 353 (2021-2022)Summary date: May 5 2021 - View Summary
House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes. Amends the elections provisions governing the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education (Board) set forth in SL 1961-112, as amended, to implement staggered terms for members beginning in 2022 instead of 2024; makes conforming changes to the staggering of the seats by moving the specified dates up by two years. Specifies that Board members elected in 2018, or persons appointed to fill a vacancy of such a Board member, are to continue to serve their terms until a successor has been elected and qualified pursuant to the act.
Adds a new part providing as follows. Amends Section 7 of SL 1975-717, as amended, as follows. Provides that beginning in 2022, members of the Wake County Board of Education (Board) from Districts 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8, are to be elected by the nonpartisan plurality election method to a term to expire on the first Monday in December of 2025. Specifies that only the qualified voters of a district may vote in the election for a candidate in the district. Requires the Board, following the return of the 2020 census, to revise the electoral district boundaries established in 2011 as needed to correct for population imbalances; requires these districts to be used for elections beginning in 2022. Extends the terms of the four members of the Board who were elected in 2020 for two-year terms from Districts 1, 2, 7, and 9, or any member filling a vacancy for one of those seats for one year until the first Monday in December 2023. Makes conforming deletions. Effective January 1, 2023, amends Section 7 of SL 1975-717, again to require that the Board's nine members be elected by the nonpartisan election and runoff method in accordance with the specified laws. Provides that beginning in 2023 and quadrennially thereafter, elections are to be held for Districts 1, 2, 7, and 9; beginning in 2025 and quadrennially thereafter, elections are to be held for Districts 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8. Deletes provisions concerning deadlines for filing notice of candidacy. Makes other conforming changes and deletes what will be outdated language. Repeals Section 5 of SL 2013-110, which set out the specified nine Wake County districts. Provides that each member of the Board elected in 2020 from Districts 1, 2, 7, and 9, and elected in 2022 from Districts 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8, or any member appointed by the remaining members of the Board to fill a vacancy of any of these seats, will serve until a successor has been elected and qualified.
Makes conforming changes to the act's titles.
Bill H 353 (2021-2022)Summary date: Mar 22 2021 - View Summary
Amends the elections provisions governing the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education (Board) set forth in SL 1961-112, as amended, to create staggered four-year terms for Board members. Implements staggered terms for members beginning in 2024 as follows. For District 1 members, requires the the person receiving the highest votes to serve a four-year term with the seat up for election in 2028 and quadrennially thereafter, and the person receiving the second highest votes to serve a two-year term with the seat up for election in 2026 and quadrennially thereafter. For District 2 members, requires the the persons receiving the highest and second highest votes to serve four-year terms with the seats up for election in 2028 and quadrennially thereafter, and the persons receiving the third and fourth highest votes to serve two-year terms with the seats up for election in 2026 and quadrennially thereafter. For District 3 members, requires the the person receiving the highest and second highest votes to serve four-year terms with the seats up for election in 2028 and quadrennially thereafter, and the person receiving the third highest votes to serve a two-year term with the seat up for election in 2026 and quadrennially thereafter. Makes technical and conforming changes.
Specifies that Board members elected in 2020, or persons appointed to fill a vacancy of such a Board member, are to continue to serve their term until a successor has been elected and qualified pursuant to the act.
Makes a technical correction to Section 2 of SL 1961-112, as amended.