Makes the following modifications to the content of the policies on free expression which the UNC Board of Governors must adopt under GS 116-300. Establishes mandatory disciplinary sanctions for students enrolled at a constituent institution who engage in a violation of GS 14-127 (Willful or wanton injury to real property) or GS 14-132(a)(2) (defacing or injuring public buildings, statues, or monuments) while present on the property of the constituent institution during a protest or demonstration: (1) expulsion or suspension for at least one academic period; (2) revocation of State-funded student financial assistance for that academic period; and (3) eligibility for readmission and enrollment contingent upon agreed restitution for property damage committed by the student, which may include work study and is not required to represent the full cost of restoring the property damaged. Requires the standard of proof of responsibility in such disciplinary cases to be no less than clear and convincing evidence.
Adds to the required content of the Committee on Free Expression's annual report to the Governor and the General Assembly pursuant to GS 116-301 to include a description of the administrative handling and discipline related to the enforcement of the new mandatory discipline policies under GS 116-300, as amended, and the readmittance of any students who were subject to expulsion or suspension for at least one academic period as a result of the policy. Additionally adds to the required content the increase in security costs and recommendations regarding security issues at constituent institutions related to disruptions at constituent institutions.
Amends GS 116-174.2 to expand the grounds for the revocation of State-funded scholarships. Requires revocation and withdrawal of all State-supported scholarships and any State funds granted for educational assistance when any student enrolled in a UNC constituent institution is found to have engaged in a violation of GS 14-127 or GS 14-132(a)(2) while present on the property of the constituent institution during a protest or demonstration. Makes technical changes. Makes language gender neutral.
Applies beginning with the 2021-22 academic year.
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Bill H 333 (2021-2022)Summary date: Mar 17 2021 - View Summary