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  • Summary date: May 5 2021 - View Summary

    House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes.

    Deletes the proposed new language to GS 20-141.4 and instead amends the statute to remove the provision authorizing intermediate punishment in the case of a Class D felony death by vehicle when the defendant is a Prior Record Level I offender. 

    Deletes the proposed new language to GS 75A-10.3 and instead amends the statute to remove the provision authorizing intermediate punishment in the case of a Class D felony death by impaired boating when the defendant is a Prior Record Level I offender.

  • Summary date: Feb 24 2021 - View Summary

    Amends GS 20-141.4 to require any intermediate punishment issued for a conviction of felony death by vehicle to include special probation with a continuous period of confinement of at least one-fourth of the maximum sentence of imprisonment imposed for the offense. Allows the continuous period of confinement to be for up to 27 months.

    Amends GS 75A-10.3 to require any intermediate punishment issued for a conviction of felony death by impaired boating to include special probation with a continuous period of confinement of at least one-fourth of the maximum sentence of imprisonment imposed for the offense. Allows the continuous period of confinement to be for up to 27 months.

    Applies to offenses committed on or after December 1, 2021.