Identical to H 48, filed 2/3/21.
Amends GS 14-269 to add to the persons exempted from the prohibition against carrying concealed weapons. Exempts emergency medical services personnel while on duty who are deployed as part of their official duties providing tactical medical assistance to law enforcement operations in an emergency sitation. Qualifies the exemption of medical services personnel upon the completion of an approved tactical medical assistance course for supporting law enforcement operations. Details course requirements and also requires the course to be certified or sponsored by at least one of the following: the NC Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission (Commission); the National Rifle Association (NRA); or a law enforcement agency, college, institution or organization, or firearms training school taught by instructors certified by the Commission or the NRA. Requires every instructor of an approved course to file course information, including proof of certification, annually with the Commission, or following any course modification.
Requires state and local law enforcement agencies to provide paramedics rendering tactical medical assistance during SWAT operations with the same protective equipment provided to other members of a SWAT operation.
Applies to offenses committed on or after the date the act becomes law.
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Bill S 134 (2021-2022)Summary date: Feb 23 2021 - View Summary