Adopts permanent rules, which are the same as the 2019 Senate permanent rules with the following exceptions.
Amends Rule 6 to no longer require a quorum before reading and approving the preceding day’s Journal.
Amends Rule 15 by adding a time limit of three minutes when a Senator uses a Moment of Personal Privilege to read all or a portion of a Senatorial Statement.
Amends Rule 17(b) to clarify that no derogatory remark reflecting personally upon any Senator or Senators (was, Senator) will be in order on the Senate floor unless preceded by a motion or resolution of censure.
Amends Rule 24.1 to make a motion to adjourn or stand in recess subject to the standard stipulations subject to the receipt and referral of committee reports, and the announcement of committee assignments (in addition to the already listed introduction of bills referral and re-referral of bills, reading of Senatorial Statements, receipt of House messages, ratification of bills, and messages from the Governor).
Amends Rule 32 to change the name of the Agriculture/Environment/Natural Resources Committee to Agriculture, Energy, and Environment.
Amends Rule 40 as follows. Updates the provision governing what bills can be filed during the organizational session by updating the date of the 2021 session. Makes organizational changes to the rule. Clarifies that the e-jacket is to be delivered by the Senator whose name appears first and allows it to be delivered physically or electronically using the member's electronic dashboard. Also specifies that, subject to any authorization prescribed by the Principal Clerk, a member's legislative assistant may deliver a Senate e-jacket by any method allowed under this rule. Makes an additional technical change.
Amends Rules 40.2 by establishing the following bill filing deadlines. Requires local bills to be submitted to the Legislative Drafting Division or the Legislative Analysis Division 4:00 P.M. on February 25, 2021, and requires them to be filed for introduction by 4:00 P.M. on March 11, 2021. Requires public bills and resolutions, except those granted one of the eight exceptions under the rule, to be submitted to the Legislative Drafting Division or the Legislative Analysis Division by 4:00 P.M. on March 11, 2021, and requires them to be filed for introduction in the Senate before 4:00 P.M. on April 6, 2021.
Amends Rule 41 by setting the crossover deadline as Thursday, May 13, 2021.
Bill Summaries: S1 SENATE PERMANENT RULES - 2021.
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Bill S 1 (2021-2022)Summary date: Jan 13 2021 - View Summary