Sets out findings related to NCGA operations and public access.
Creates the 15 member North Carolina General Assembly Technology Task Force (Task Force) to investigate the current status of information technology operations at the NCGA to ensure that the NCGA runs seamlessly under normal and exceptional circumstances, and to ensure meaningful public participation for individuals with disabilities and those with limited connectivity. Sets out Task Force membership, including two members of the public who represent specified interests. Requires appointments to the Task Force to be made by August 1, 2020. Provides the process for naming chairs, filling vacancies, establishing a quorum and setting per diem, subsistence, and travel allowances. Provides for staffing. Requires the Task Force to study (1) how other states have implemented meaningful public participation for individuals with disabilities and those with limited connectivity; (2) technology to enable legislators and staff to work efficiently and effectively, whether on the legislative campus, teleworking, or a combination thereof; and (3) any other relevant issues. Requires the Task Force to develop a five-year plan for the installation, deployment, and testing of all recommended technology and report to the Legislative Services Commission before the convening of the 2021 General Assembly. Terminates the Task Force upon the earlier of of the filing of its report or January 1, 2021.
Appropriates $75,000 in nonrecurring funds for 2020-21 from the General Fund to the NCGA to plan and deploy a one-year trial of closed captioning of legislative proceedings.
Effective July 1, 2020.
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Bill H 1202 (2019-2020)Summary date: May 26 2020 - View Summary