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  • Summary date: May 15 2020 - View Summary

    Requires the State Controller to transfer $121,396,240 for 2019-20 from the Coronavirus Relief Reserve (Reserve) to the Coronavirus Relief Fund (Relief Fund). Appropriates that same amount from the Relief Fund to the Division of Child Development and Early Education in nonrecurring funds for 2019-2020 to assist in addressing child care provider needs related to COVID-19. Allocates the funds in the specified amounts for: (1) increased bonuses for child care teachers and staff providing care during the pandemic; (2) health and sanitation supplies, personal protective equipment, and deep cleaning services for child care programs in response to COVID-19; (3) out-of-pocket costs for COVID-19 testing for a child care provider or a child in a child care facility at which another child care provider or child has tested positive; and (4) an additional 52 local child health consultants, to ensure statewide coverage and one FTE State-level supervisor. Allows any funds remaining on June 30, 2020, to be carried forward to 2020-21.

    Appropriates $16.2 million in nonrecurring funds for 2020-21 from the General Fund to the Division of Child Development and Early Education to provide funding for two weeks of paid sick leave for child care teachers and staff providing child care during the pandemic. Requires payment for two weeks of sick leave at 100 percent of the teacher or staff person's current wages, with part-time employees receiving an amount equivalent to the wages the individual would typically earn over a two-week period. Effective July 1, 2020.

    Requires the Division of Child Development and Early Education to report to the specified NCGA committees and division by March 1, 2021, on the use of the appropriated funds.