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  • Summary date: Apr 30 2019 - View Summary

    House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes.

    Modifies the proposed changes to GS 159G-23 regarding the Division of Water Infrastructure's required consideration of an application's effect on impaired waters during its evaluation of applications for loans and grants from the Wastewater Reserve or the Drinking Water Reserve. Concerning the proposed provision requiring greater priority to be given to projects which improve impaired waters of the state that serve a public water supply for a large public water system, modifies the definition of large public water system to now mean one serving more than 175,000 service connections rather than 500,000 customers. 

  • Summary date: Apr 17 2019 - View Summary

    Amends GS 159G-53 to modify and add to the considerations the Division of Water Infrastructure is required to examine when evaluating applications for loans and grants from the Wastewater Reserve or the Drinking Water Reserve. Concerning priority for a project that improves designated impaired waters of the state, adds that greater priority is to be given to projects which improve impaired waters of the state that serve a public water supply for a large public water system, defined as serving more than 500,000 customers. Adds that consideration for priority is to be given for wastewater system improvements made by a local government unit in order to protect or preserve the water supply of a neighboring local unit that has a lower poverty rate, lower utility bills, higher population growth, higher medium household incomes, and lower unemployment. Makes technical and clarifying changes. Applies to applications for loans or grants from the Wastewater Reserve or the Drinking Water Reserve received by the Division on or after July 1, 2019.