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  • Summary date: Apr 4 2019 - View Summary

    Part I.

    Enacts new GS 90-21.5A to allow unaccompanied homeless minors to give consent to the specified categories of health care providers for the specified health services, if the minor gives the provider acceptable documentation that he or she is an unaccompanied homeless minor. Extends the responsibilities, liability, and immunity under GS 90-21.4 (responsibility, liability and immunity of physicians) to qualified health professionals providing services to unaccompanied homeless minors. Specifies that the statute does not (1) authorize the admission of an unaccompanied homeless minor to a specified 24-hour facility (likely intends facilities for the Mentally Ill, the Developmentally Disabled, and Substance Abusers); (2) prohibit the admission of an unaccompanied homeless minor to a 24-hour facility upon the minor's own written application in an emergency situation; (3) enlarge the scope of practice of any qualified health professional.

    Part II.

    Amends GS 143B-153 to require the Social Services Commission to adopt rules facilitating access to child care for children experiencing homelessness, including but not limited to 5 listed rules, including limiting work requirements to 20 hours per week for the parents of children experiencing homelessness. 

    Part III.

    Effective October 1, 2019.