Amends GS 20-24.1 and GS 20-24.2 to remove failure to pay a fine, penalty, or costs for a motor vehicle offense as a reason for mandatory revocation of a driver's license or for a court to report a person's name to the Division of Motor Vehicles (Division), respectively.
Amends GS Chapter 20, Article 2 (uniform driver's license act) by adding new GS 20-24.3 authorizing a court to enter a civil judgment for persons who fail to pay a fine, penalty, or costs for a motor vehicle matter within 40 days of the date specified by a court order. Directs that payment in full results in the judgment being cancelled, and that payment satisfying the civil judgment must also be credited against the fine, penalty, or costs imposed by the court.
Directs the Division and the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts to jointly study (1) whether legislative changes are necessary to ensure the return or restoration of previously suspended licenses for failure to pay a fine, penalty, or costs and (2) whether the addition of GS 20-24.3 should be retroactive and made applicable to all unpaid fines, penalties, or costs. Requires the report to be submitted to the Joint Legislative Transportation Oversight Committee and the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Justice and Public Safety by December 1, 2019.
Except as otherwise noted, effective July 1, 2020, and applies to motor vehicle offenses charged on or after this date.
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Bill S 643 (2019-2020)Summary date: Apr 9 2019 - View Summary