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  • Summary date: Jul 11 2019 - View Summary

    AN ACT TO MAKE CERTAIN MODIFICATIONS TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ADVANCED MATH COURSES OFFERED WHEN PRACTICABLE FOR GRADES SIX AND HIGHER. SL 2019-120. Enacted July 11, 2019. Effective July 11, 2019, and except as otherwise provided, applies beginning with the 2019-20 school year.

  • Summary date: Jun 26 2019 - View Summary

    Conference report makes the following changes to the 5th edition. 

    Amends GS 115C-81.36 by adding that local boards of education may provide supplemental content enrichment, which may include the administration of diagnostic assessments, to students enrolled in a high school level mathematics course. 

    Clarifies that schools that did not offer Math I to eighth grade students during the 2018-19 school year may offer Math I in eighth grade for the 2019-20 school year but are not required to do so.

    Makes organizational changes.  

  • Summary date: Jun 12 2019 - View Summary

    House amendment to the 4th edition makes the following changes.

    Amends GS 115C-81.36(b) to reinstate the requirement that a seventh grade student be enrolled in a high school level mathematics course in eighth grade if scoring the specified level on the end-of-grade test and changes that level from a level five to the highest level on the seventh grade mathematics end-of grade test. Makes conforming changes. Amends the Department of Public Instruction's annual reporting requirement to specify that the report must include data collected for the current school year on the number and demographics of students who were eligible for advanced mathematics courses under the statute (previously did not include reference to the statute) and adds that this includes high school level mathematics courses in eighth grade. Makes additional clarifying changes. 

    Adds that schools that did not offer Math I to eighth graders during the 2018-19 school year are not required to offer Math I to eighth graders for the 2019-20 school year. Requires that local boards of education with schools that meet this exemption for 2019-20 to develop a plan to implement GS 115C-81.36(b) beginning with the 2020-21 school year. Requires the plan to be submitted by January 15, 2020 (previously required each local board of education to develop a plan to implement GS 115C-81.36(b) by that date). Amends what is be included in the plan to no longer require a list of each advanced mathematics course offered in grades six and higher in each school, and limits the other requirements to eight grade Math I courses.

    Deletes the provision providing that local board of education are not required to comply with GS 115C-81.36(b) for the 2019-20 school year. 

  • Summary date: Jun 5 2019 - View Summary

    House committee substitute to the 3rd edition makes the following changes.

    Further amends GS 115C-81.36 to no longer require students in seventh grade scoring at the highest level on the seventh grade math end-of-grade test to enroll in a high school level math course in eighth grade. Removes the proposed provision which allowed local boards of education to administer diagnostic assessments upon enrollment in the high school math course to provide supplemental content enrichment. Changes the initial reporting requirement of the Department of Public Instruction from December 15, 2019, to December 15, 2020, and specifies that the annual report must contain data collected for the current school year on students eligible for advanced math courses and whether or not they were placed in the courses (previously, did not specify the year the data is to reflect).

    Adds a new requirement for local boards to develop a plan to implement the provisions of GS 115C-81.36(b), as amended, concerning advanced math placement in grades six and higher, to be submitted to the Superintendent of Public Instruction (Superintendent) by January 15, 2020. Details information that must be included in the plans, including a list of each advanced math course offered, an explanation of advanced math course staffing, and an estimate of the expected enrollment increase in the courses for the 2020-21 school year, as specified. Requires the Superintendent to compile the plans submitted into a summary report to be submitted to the specified NCGA committee by March 15, 2020. 

    Specifies that local boards are not required to comply with GS 115C-81.36(b), as amended, for the 2019-20 school year.

    Makes conforming changes. Changes the act's long title.

  • Summary date: May 7 2019 - View Summary

    Senate amendment #1 makes the following changes to the 2nd edition.

    Further amends GS 115C-81.36, requiring local boards of education to offer advanced learning opportunities in math in grades three through five and advanced courses in math in grades six and higher (previously provided no distinction, requiring local boards to offer advanced math courses in grades three and higher). Defines advanced learning opportunities to mean services and curricular modifications in math for academically or intellectually gifted students approved as part of the local plan pursuant to specified state law. Requires any student scoring at the highest level on the end-of-grade test in grades three through five where advanced learning opportunities are offered to be provided advanced learning opportunities in math approved for the student's grade level for the next school year. Requires written, informed parental consent for a qualifying student to be excluded or removed from the advanced learning opportunity. Makes conforming changes. Changes the initial reporting requirement of the Department of Public Instruction from October 15 to December 15, 2019.

  • Summary date: May 1 2019 - View Summary

    Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition. 

    Amends GS 115C-81.36 by removing the addition of charter schools to those who can to offer advanced courses in math in grades three and higher when practicable. Makes conforming deletions.

  • Summary date: Apr 2 2019 - View Summary

    Amends GS 115C-81.36, concerning advanced courses in mathematics, as follows. Requires charter schools, in addition to the already listed local boards of education, to offer advanced courses in math in grades three and higher when practicable. Requires, when advanced math courses are offered, any student scoring at the highest level (was, scoring a level five) on the end-of-grade or end-of grade test for math to be enrolled in the advanced course for the next math course in which the student is enrolled; makes the same changes for seventh grade students whose next level course will be at a high school level. Allows local boards of education to administer diagnostic assessments upon enrollment in the high school level math course to provide identified students with supplemental content enrichment. 

    Requires the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to report annually, beginning October 15, 2019, to the specified NCGA committee on data collected on students eligible for advanced math courses and information as to how many were and were not placed in advanced math courses. Specifies information to be included in the report.

    Requires DPI to provide guidance to local boards of education and charter schools on how to best develop programming and courses to ensure that all impacted students receive rigorous, academically appropriate instruction in mathematics.

    Makes conforming changes to GS 115C-218.85.

    Applies beginning with the 2019-20 school year.