Amends GS 153A-129 (Counties; Firearms) by adding new subsection (b1) authorizing a county to pass an ordinance for the destruction of a firearm turned over to a law enforcement agency pursuant to GS 15-11.1(b)(4), 15-11.2(d)(1), or 14-269.1(4b).
Amends GS 160A-189 (Cities and Towns; Firearms) by dividing existing text into enumerated subsections and adding the same language that was added to GS 153A-129(b1) in newly created subsection (b).
Amends GS 15-11.1(b)(4) (seizure, custody and disposition of articles; exceptions) to include as a disposition of a firearm turned over to law enforcement its destruction, if the agency is located in a city or county that has adopted an ordinance authorizing destruction of a firearm.
Amends GS 15-11.2(d)(1) (disposition of unclaimed firearms not confiscated or seized as trial evidence) by reorganizing the text into subsubdivisions, adding clarifying language that if the firearm will not be disposed of pursuant to (d)(3), the firearm may be destroyed, and adding new language allowing for destruction if the possessing law enforcement agency is located in a city or county that has adopted an ordinance authorizing destruction of a firearm.
Amends GS 14-269.1(4b) (confiscation and disposition of deadly weapons) by adding new subsubdivision (iii) to allow for the destruction of a firearm possessed by a law enforcement agency located in a city or county that has adopted an ordinance authorizing destruction of a firearm.
Effective December 1, 2019, and applies to firearms seized, confiscated, received, or found on or after that date.
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Bill S 485 (2019-2020)Summary date: Apr 2 2019 - View Summary