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  • Summary date: Apr 2 2019 - View Summary

    Enacts new 58-50-6 requiring insurers that offer a health benefit plan in North Carolina to electronically submit quarterly reports to the central cancer registry for each cancer or benign brain or central nervous system tumor diagnosis according to the reporting guidelines established in GS 130A-209.

    Amends GS 130A-209 in the following ways: (1) deletes the reporting compliance date of October 1, 2014 from subsection (a); (2) replaces subsection (c) with a new provision requiring that insurers of health benefit plans file quarterly electronic reports (language identical to proposed section 58-50-6); and (3) makes minor changes to key terms from subsection (c) and includes those terms, plus adds definitions for the terms "health benefit plan" and "insurer," to a new subsection (d).

    Provides that in any capitated contracts for coverage of Medicaid or NC Health Choice services, the Department of Health and Human Services must require the entity under contract to report electronically on a quarterly basis to the central cancer registry each diagnosis of cancer or benign brain or central nervous system tumor in any Medicaid or NC Health Choice recipient covered by the entity under contract. Requires the report to contain information to assist the Department in identifying the health care facility or health care provider required to report to the cancer registry.


    Effective October 1, 2019.