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  • Summary date: Apr 25 2019 - View Summary

    House committee substitute to the 1st edition makes the following changes. Amends proposed new GS 143-166.44, which is applicable to Alamance County only, as follows. Amends the qualifications that are to be met in order to qualify for the allowance as follows: (1) requires the county detention officer to have either completed 30 or more years of creditable service or attained age 60 (was, age 55) and completed 25 (was, 15) or more years of creditable service; (2) adds the requirement that the county detention officer's date of hire be on or before June 30, 2022. Makes a conforming change by deleting the act's June 30, 2022, expiration date.

  • Summary date: Mar 25 2019 - View Summary

    Enacts new GS 143-166.44, applicable to Alamance County only.

    Gives qualifying county detention officers (as defined in the new statute) an annual separation allowance equal to 0.85% of the annual equivalent of the base rate of compensation most recently applicable to the county detention officer for each year of creditable service, beginning in the month in which the county detention officer retires on a basic service retirement. Requires the following qualifications to be met in order to qualify for the allowance: (1) the county detention officers has either completed 30 or more years of creditable service or attained 55 years of age and completed 15 or more years of creditable service; (2) the county detention officer is less than 62 years of age; (3) the county detention officer has completed at least 15 consecutive years of active service with the county providing the separation allowance as a full-time county detention officer immediately preceding retirement. Sets out events upon which the payments cease. Requires the Board of County Commissioners to determine the eligibility of county detention officers in that county for the benefits provided. Requires the county to make the payments to eligible county detention officers determined to be eligible from funds available.

    Expires June 30, 2022.