Adopts the permanent rules of the 2017 Regular Session as the permanent rules of the 2018 Third Extra Session with the following changes.
Limits the standing committees to the Committee on Appropriations/Base Budget, Committee on Education/Higher Education, Committee on Finance, and the Rules and Operations of the Senate, to be comprised of the members appointed during the 2017 Regular Session.
Requires introduced bills to include on the e-jacket the title of the document and the name of the Senator or Senators sponsoring it. Requires the Senate e-jacket to be delivered to the Office of the Senate Principal Clerk by the primary sponsor, or their legislative assistant with the prescribed authorization form signed by the primary sponsor and the legislative assistant.
Limits resolutions that may be introduced or considered in the Senate to those establishing the rules governing the Third Extra Session and adjourning the Third Extra Session sine die.
Limits the bills, parts of bills, or amendments to bills that may be introduced or considered in the Senate to those addressing disaster recovery related to Hurricane Florence.
Requires all bills introduced in the Senate providing for appropriations from the State or its subdivision, or waiving fees or other revenues payable to the State or any of its subdivisions, to be referred to the Committee on Appropriations/Base Budget before being considered by the Senate. Requires bills referred to other committees carrying these provisions to be reported to the Senate as being bills to be referred to the Appropriations/Base Budget Committee before the Senate can take action.
Requires all bills introduced and all House bills received upon a message from the House of Representatives, upon presentation to the Senate, to be read in the regular order of business by their number and title, constituting first reading of the bill on the day on which they are received.
Requires all bills reported by committee to be placed before the Senate for second reading and immediate consideration upon passage.
Provides that if any committee recommends adoption of an amendment or committee substitute of a bill or resolution, the amendment or committee substitute is considered adopted upon the reading of the committee report. Allows the bill or resolution, as amended, or its adopted committee substitute to be placed on the calendar for the same legislative day or re-referred if the bill or resolution was serially referred.
Requires that when a bill or resolution has passed its second reading, it be placed on the calendar for immediate consideration on its third reading, unless prohibited by Section 23 of Article II of the North Carolina Constitution.
Provides that when the House has adopted an amendment or a committee substitute for a Senate bill and the bill has been returned for concurrence, the Senate may concur on the same legislative day.
Designates the Principal Clerk or the Clerk's designated employee as the Senate Officer to receive bills vetoed by the Governor. Allows for a veto message received to be read the same day if received on a day the Senate is in session. Requires a veto message to be read on the next legislative day if received on a day the Senate is not in session or if the message was not read on the legislative day it was received.
Bill Summaries: S1 SENATE RULES - 2018 3RD EXTRA SESSION.
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Bill S 1 (2018 Extra 3)Summary date: Oct 2 2018 - View Summary