AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION AND THE FINANCING, WITHOUT APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE GENERAL FUND, OF CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS. Summarized in Daily Bulletin 3/29/11, 6/6/12, 6/14/12, and 6/20/12. Enacted July 12, 2012. Effective July 12, 2012.
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Summary date: Jul 17 2012 - View Summary
Bill S 444 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 20 2012 - View Summary
House committee substitute makes the following changes to 3rd edition.
Deletes amendment to GS 18B-1006(a), which allowed colleges with specified NASCAR-sanctioned tracks to sell beer and wine. Also deletes a special provision applicable to the South Campus project at Winston-Salem State University.
Bill S 444 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 14 2012 - View Summary
Senate amendments make the following changes to 2nd edition.
Amendment #1 adds five Department of Agriculture projects and corresponding funding to those projects authorized for funding from non-General Fund sources.
Amendment #2 adds one Department of Administration project (Sandhills Cemetery – Committal Structure) and corresponding funding to the projects authorized for funding from non-General Fund sources. Adds a section directing the Division of Veterans Affairs to report to the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Affairs on the project’s status by January 1, 2013.
Amendment #3 removes authorization for the South Campus Acquisitions and Improvements project at Winston-Salem State University.
Bill S 444 (2011-2012)Summary date: Jun 6 2012 - View Summary
Senate committee substitute makes the following changes to 1st edition.
Modifies the capital improvement projects and costs authorized to be constructed and financed to provide as follows: (1) $3 million for Winkler Residence Hall and $9,765,000 for Belk Residence Hall at Appalachian State University; (2) $40 million for Belk Residence Hall at East Carolina University; (3) $6.2 million for Phytotron Energy Savings Performance Contract at NC State University; (4) $4.75 million for Mountain Area Health Education Center Facility Acquisition at UNC Asheville; (5) $11.7 million for Chilled Water Infrastructure Improvements, $12 million for Steam and Hot Water Infrastructure Improvements, and $8 million for Craige Parking Deck at UNC Chapel Hill; (6) $49.5 million for Campus Infrastructure, $38,407,410 for Residence Hall Phase XII, and $10 million for Cedar/Hickory/Sycamore Renovation at UNC Charlotte; (7) $3,432,000 for Lee Street Parking Lot and $16,640,000 for Reynolds and Grogan Residence Hall at UNC Greensboro; and (8) $13.5 million for Restore the Core, $14.5 million for New Student Housing, $7.5 million South Campus Acquisitions and Improvements, and $7 million for North Campus Acquisitions and Improvement at Winston-Salem State University. Modifies the projects and costs authorized to be planned and financed to provide as follows: (1) $5 million for New Student Center and $500,000 for Williams Dining Hall Kitchen at NC A&T University, (2) $700,000 for Student Health Services Center at NC Central University, (3) $5 million for Athletic Facilities Master Plan and Improvements and $5 million for Odum Village Replacement at UNC Chapel Hill, and (4) $1.5 million for Restore the Core at Winston-Salem State University. Deletes projects at Fayetteville State University and UNC Pembroke.
Adds sections to detail special provisions related to the Chill Water Infrastructure Improvements at UNC Chapel Hill and the New Student Housing and South Campus projects at Winston-Salem State University. Amends GS 18B-1006(a) to provide that the prohibition on the sale of beer and wine at school and college campuses does not apply to any stadiums that support a specified NASCAR-sanctioned track owned or leased by the institution that limit the sale of beer and wine to events not sponsored or funded by the institution.
Adds a section to authorize 29 capital projects at state agencies to be funded with receipts or with other non-General Fund sources.
Bill S 444 (2011-2012)Summary date: Mar 29 2011 - View Summary
Specifies 19 UNC and constituent institution capital improvement projects and their respective costs authorized to be constructed and financed with funds from gifts, grants, receipts, self-liquidating indebtedness, Medicare reimbursements, hospital receipts, and other funds not including funds received from tuition or appropriated from the General Fund. Also specifies four projects and their respective costs for which planning only can be undertaken with non-General Fund money. Provides for an increase or decrease in costs or changes to the funding methods by the Governor at the request of the UNC Board of Governors and the issuance of special obligation bonds.