Amends GS 18C-114 to add to the North Carolina State Lottery Commission's (Commission) powers and duties establishing targets and implementing strategies for optimal growth and density of lottery retailer participation.
Requires the Commission to report annually by December 1 to the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on the North Carolina State Lottery and the Fiscal Research Division on (1) the targets and efforts to grow lottery retailer participation and the amount of growth attained in the previous year and (2) the efforts taken to measure the effectiveness of advertising on the lottery's sales and revenue.
Requires the Legislative Research Commission (LRC) to study ways to increase sales revenue and funds transferred to the Education Lottery Fund. Requires that the study include at least five specified topics including an evaluation of the amount of incentives and compensation paid to lottery retailers and a comparison to incentives and compensation paid in other states, and the potential impact of changing the structure of retailer incentives and compensation on the ability of the Commission to expand the number of lottery retailers and outlets, per capita, to the level of the lotteries of the top 10 states. Requires the LRC to report its findings by December 1, 2018, to the 2019 Regular Session of the 2019 General Assembly upon its convening.
Amends GS 18C-130 to require the Commission to select advertising methods that maximize revenue generation while minimizing expenses by using data to assess the impact of different advertising strategies and forms.
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Bill H 1036 (2017-2018)Summary date: May 30 2018 - View Summary