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  • Summary date: May 29 2018 - View Summary

    Amends GS 164-14 to decrease the membership of the General Statutes Commission (Commission) from 14 to 13 members, eliminating one member appointed by the dean of the Charlotte School of Law, effective August 31, 2019. Makes technical changes to eliminate provisions providing for the terms of original members. Provides that member appointments are for two-year terms beginning September 1 of the year when the appointments are to become effective and expiring August 31 two years thereafter (currently, terms begin June 1 of the year when the appointments are to become effective and expire May 31 two years thereafter). Eliminates the requirements that appointment must be made no later than May 31 of the year when appointments are to become effective. Eliminates existing language concerning vacancies and instead provides that the original appointing authority must appoint a new member to fill a vacancy for the duration of the unexpired term when a vacancy occurs for any reason (currently, provides for the Governor to appoint new members in cases where original appointments or subsequent vacancies were not timely filled). Adds new provision to specify that the new vacancy provisions do not apply when a member is continuing to serve until the appointment of a successor has been made and reported to the secretary of the Commission, despite the expiration of their term. Makes conforming changes. Extends the terms of current members of the Commission to August 31 of the year in which they would otherwise expire.