Amends GS 115C-245, requiring each local board of education to ensure that regular school bus drivers employed by the local board complete and maintain CPR training. Waives the cost of tuition and fees for a CPR course, in accordance with GS 115D-5(b)(10), if the regular school bus driver completes and maintains CPR training by enrolling in a CPR training course offered by an NC community college. Directs the local board to provide compensation to regular school bus drivers for the time required to complete a CPR course offered by a community college or any other entity selected by the driver to meet the requirement. Permits the local board to cover the cost of a CPR course completed with an entity other than an NC community college in its discretion. Makes organizational changes to the statute.
Appropriates $1.1 million from the General Fund to the Community Colleges System Office for the 2017-18 fiscal year to be used for the cost of the waiver of tuition and fees for drivers enrolled in CPR training courses. Appropriates $1.3 million in recurring funds from the General Fund to the Department of Public Instruction for the 2017-18 fiscal year to be allocated to local school administrative units to be used for compensating drivers for the time required to complete CPR training.
Further mandates that all regular school bus drivers employed by local boards of education are required to have completed initial CPR training beginning with the 2018-19 school year.
Effective July 1, 2017.
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Bill H 876 (2017-2018)Summary date: Apr 24 2017 - View Summary