House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.
Further amends the membership of the NC Longitudinal Data System Board (Board) set out in GS 116E-3 to reduce the Board from 18 to 17 members. Adds the State Treasurer or the Treasurer's designee as a member of the Board. Eliminates the six public members appointed by the General Assembly upon recommendation of three public members each by the President Pro Tempore and the Speaker. Instead, replaces those members with two advisory members each from the membership of the Senate and the House, appointed by the General Assembly upon the respective recommendation of the President Pro Tempore and the Speaker. Adds that the four advisory members of the General Assembly are nonvoting members of the Board and cannot serve as chair or vice-chair. Adds new provisions to subsection (e) providing that one advisory member is to be jointly designated by the Speaker and the President Pro Tempore to call an initial meeting of the Board upon appointment of a majority of the appointed members, and that the chair of the Board must be elected at the initial meeting.
Modifies Section 5 to delete the provision reinstating GS 120-123(81) as it existed before its repeal.
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Bill H 849 (2017-2018)Summary date: Apr 25 2017 - View Summary
Bill H 849 (2017-2018)Summary date: Apr 13 2017 - View Summary
Amends GS 116E-1 by removing the term Center (meaning the Governmental Data Analytics Center) and replacing it with Board, meaning the governing board of the North Carolina Longitudinal Data System. Makes conforming changes to GS 116E-4 by giving the Center's powers to the Board. Makes additional conforming changes to GS 116E-6. Amends the definition of de-identified data so that it no longer includes a unique student identifier.
Amends the membership of the North Carolina Longitudinal Data System Board (Board) by allowing the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services' position to be filled by a Secretary designee affiliated with the Division of Child Development, and allowing the State Chief Information Officer's position to be filled by a designee of the officer affiliated with the Government Data Analytics Center. Instead of making the State Chief Information Officer the chair, requires that the Board elect a chair from the appointed members for a term of two years.
Reenacts GS 120‑123(81), GS 143B‑1321(a)(31), and GS 143B‑1322(c)(21) as they existed immediately before their repeal.
Requires the Board to adopt rules under GS 116E‑4 by December 1, 2017.