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  • Summary date: Apr 12 2017 - View Summary

    Amends GS 116-11, which sets out the powers and duties of the UNC Board of Governors (BOG). Amends subdivision (9), concerning the appropriation of funds for the continuing operation of constituent institutions, to authorize funds in the third category of subsubdivision (a) to be allocated in whole or in part for other items within the list of priorities or for items not included in the list of priorities when the BOG deems it to be in the best interest of the state (currently, requires both the BOG and the Director of Budget to deem it to be in the best interest of North Carolina). The third category of funds in subsubdivision (a) includes funds requested by the BOG without reference to constituent institutions, itemized as to priority and covering such areas as new programs and activities, expansions of programs and activities, increases in enrollments, increases to accommodate internal shifts and categories of persons served, capital improvements, improvements in levels of operation and increases to remedy deficiencies, as well as other areas. 

    Additionally, authorizes the BOG, unless otherwise provided in Article 1 of GS Chapter 116 (currently, authorizes the Director of Budget upon the recommendation of the BOG), to transfer appropriated funds from one institution to another to provide adjustments for over or under enrollment, or make any other adjustments among institutions that would provide for the orderly and efficient operation of the institutions. 

    Amends GS 116-14, concerning the UNC President and staff, to authorize the President to establish procedures for transferring funds to and from Budget Code 16010, including but not limited to, transfers to the constituent institutions for nonrecurring expenditures (currently, authorized to establish procedures only for transferring funds to the Budget Code 16010 to the constituent institutions for nonrecurring expenditures). Authorizes the President to identify funds for capital improvement projects and transfer funds for capital improvement projects to and from Budget Code 16010 (currently, only authorized to identify funds for capital improvement projects from Budget Code 16010).

    Amends GS 116-30.2 (Appropriations to special responsibility constituent institutions) authorizing the UNC President, in addition to the existing authority of responsibility constituent institutions, to transfer appropriations between budget codes. Adds a new requirement for a special responsibility constituent institution to submit to the Director of the Budget its requests for allotments quarterly. 

    Amends GS 143C-3-3 (Budget request from State agencies in the executive branch), requiring UNC to complete conceptual planning (currently, complete planning through schematic design) of a project with funds other than General Fund appropriations before submitting a capital funds request proposing to construct a new facility, expand the building area of an existing facility, or rehabilitate an existing facility.

    Amends GS 143C-6-3 (Allotments) to direct UNC to submit to the Director of the Budget requests for allotments at intervals as prescribed in Article 1 of GS Chapter 116.

    Makes clarifying change to GS 143C-6-4 (Budget adjustments authorized) pertaining to authorized transfers in the UNC budget.

    Modifies Section 31.14 of SL 2015-241, authorizing state agencies to undertake small repairs and renovations projects with available funds subject to the specified requirements and limitations. Changes the cap for the total cost of a project pursuant to the provision to $1 million (was, $300,000). Adds a new provision establishing that general funds contractually obligated for a project cannot revert at the end of the fiscal year and must remain available to fund the completion of the project.