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  • Summary date: Apr 25 2017 - View Summary

    House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition.

    Amends GS 93B-15.1, pertaining to licensure for individuals with military training and experience and military spouses. Amends subsection (i), establishing that the State Board of Education (State Board) is considered an occupational licensing board when issuing teacher licenses under GS 115C-296 for purposes of this statute, and in addition to the requirements of GS 93B-15.1, requires the State Board to comply with the following provisions. Establishes that a military spouse is exempt from testing requirements established by the State Board for an initial bachelor's degree license or graduate degree license if: (1) the applicant meets the requirements of existing subsection (b) of the statute (requiring the applicant hold a current license or an equivalent from another jurisdiction, demonstrate competency, have no prior disciplinary actions or any prior acts that would constitute such, be in good standing, and pay the required fees); (2) the applicant's spouse is the subject of a military transfer to North Carolina; (3) the applicant has at least three years of teaching experience in the five years prior to submitting the application; and (4) the applicant has received satisfactory performance evaluations and met expectations of student growth in the field of licensure in the three most recent years of teaching. Establishes that a military spouse applicant is eligible for a temporary license of two years while the applicant transfers the requirements for an NC teacher license if: (1) the applicant meets the requirements of existing subsection (b) of the statute but for the testing requirements of GS 115C-296(a), (2) the applicant's spouse is the subject of a military transfer to North Carolina, and (3) the applicant does not have the necessary teaching experience to qualify for the new testing exemption as described. 

    Deletes the proposed language in new subsections (a4) and (a5) in GS 115C-296. Instead, adds new subsection (a4) to require the State Board to license military spouses in accordance with GS 93B-15.1 as amended.

    Adds a new section to direct the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to study the licensure process as it relates to military spouses, as specified. Requires DPI to report its findings to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee by November 15, 2017.

  • Summary date: Apr 10 2017 - View Summary

    Amends GS 115C-296 to exempt out-of-state teacher's license applicants who are licensed in another state from testing requirements established by the State Board of Education for an initial bachelor's degree license or graduate degree license if the applicant meets all other licensure requirements, has at least three years of teaching experience in the five years prior to submitting the application, and has received satisfactory performance evaluations and met student growth expectations in the field of licensure in the three most recent years of teaching. Directs the State Board of Education to adopt rules to expedite the processing of licensure applications submitted by military spouses who meet the requirements of GS 93B-15.1. Provides for a two-year temporary license for military spouses with teacher licenses in other jurisdictions whose licensure requirements are not substantially equivalent or exceeding the North Carolina requirements, while the applicant satisfies the requirements of a North Carolina teacher's license.

    Directs the State Board of Education to develop procedures for Regional Alternative Licensing Centers (RALCs) and approved educator preparation programs to evaluate and advise military spouses applying for a lateral entry teaching license. Provides for RALCs and educator preparation programs evaluating a military spouse who was granted a three-year initial teaching license, but was not employed continuously for the time period due to a deployment or reassignment of the applicant's spouse, to contact other RALCs or educator preparation programs that have evaluated the military spouse to obtain relevant documentation or information for licensure. Directs the State Board of Education to report to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee by November 15, 2017, on these procedures.