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  • Summary date: Apr 24 2017 - View Summary

    House committee substitute makes the following changes to the 1st edition:

    Deletes amendment to GS 20-4.4 and enacts new GS 20-4.35 under new Article 1D providing for driver's license reciprocity agreements with foreign nations.  Authorizes the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles to recognize a foreign-issued non-commercial driver's license as valid in this state where the license holder is legally present in the state if (1) the Commissioner finds the standards for issuing a driver's license by the foreign nation substantially comply with those of this state, and (2) a license issued in this state is recognized by that foreign nation.  Requires the Commissioner to notify the Joint Legislative Transportation Oversight Committee at least 30 days prior to making a determination of reciprocal recognition and to post the determination on the Division's web site.

    Amends the act's long title.

  • Summary date: Apr 6 2017 - View Summary

    Identical to S 651 filed on 4/4/17.

    Amends GS 20-4.4(a), concerning the NC Commissioner of Motor Vehicles' authority to enter into a reciprocity agreement or arrangement as to registration and licensing with a duly authorized representative of another jurisdiction, to provide that the reciprocity agreement or arrangement is for motor vehicle operations (currently, for interstate or intrastate operations).